Region Thinking Day Service
On Saturday 25 February 2023 Girlguiding North East England took over York Minster for a wonderful Thinking Day service. Rainbows through to Trefoil Guild were present to share in the BP spirit, ensuring our guiding lights shone brightly.
Organised by a team of Queen’s Guides, the service followed the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) story of Miku, a young girl who embarks on a quest to find peace and balance within her world.
The service saw music from the Girlguiding Choir and a live band, made up of musicians from Guides and Scouts.
Representing the county, Helen Thompson, County Commissioner was led in the procession of the standards by Penny Maddock, Megan Featherstone and standard bearer, Lauren Burnett.
A truly wonderful day where Girlguiding came together again in a spectacular venue.